March 2020 meeting

The following is a write up of the minutes of the FOPP meeting which was held at ‘The Wild Boar’ public house on the 3rd March 2020 at 19:00.  


Jerry Birkbeck (Chair); Jo Birkbeck; Andy Stewart; Nic Ruch; Sally Flood; Gayle Harris; Colin Sullivan; Christine Hodgetts; Lesley Hall; Jean Fletcher; Jane Sault; Linda Bromley; Paul Gerrard; Stella Rutter; Mo Hooper; Dave Skinner (Minutes)


John Holland; Susan Clarke; Dennis Crips; Kathy Hewitt; Cathy Bignold (Warwick Nursery); Head (St. Mary Immaculate School)

Welcome and Introductions:

Jerry welcomed everyone to the meeting and the committee introduced themselves.

What are FOPP doing?

Access to Priory Park:

  • Looking to get a path at the bottom of the park from Railway tunnel to Coventry Road to be financed possibly by Section 106 money.
  • It was noted this is a heritage site, though it was pointed out by Lesley that the bottom of the park is not necessarily covered as a heritage site.
  • The path between Wathen Road and Cape Road is to have some lockable bollards placed half way down to slow down cyclists.
  • Improvements to the entrances to the park were discussed, particularly opposite the Punch Bowl pub.
  • The new medical centre was discussed (on the Police Station site) and it was noted it was to be a 3 storey building.
  • Information boards were discussed around the possible use of QR codes to identify areas and trees of interest and better signage including Information Boards at entrances. It was noted the WDC board that was on Priory Road was now gone.
  • The website was discussed and the need to encourage more usage and to raise issues via the website.
  • It was noted that the WDC website did not mention Priory Park (Post meeting note: The park is listed under ‘Major Parks’ :


  • Jerry presented his thoughts on the ‘Green Gym’ and how it could benefit local people and work in the park.
  • Lesley noted that previously WDC would not allow the Warwick Tree Wardens to do work on the trees.
  • There was a suggestion raised for more trees to be planted in the park.
  • From open discussion, it was suggested that the Environment Agency possibly could be asked if they could make improvements to the stream.
  • Other agencies such as the school and the nursery could be encouraged to participate.
  • Funding could possibly be found from Section 106 money.

Funding / Finances

Andy presented on current funding. Once the website costs to keep the site going until November 2020 are taken out, we will have around £62.00 in the account. Go Daddy (Website provider) annual costs were £71.86. The name renewal costs (due in February 2021) for another 2 years will be £30.

It was noted that the Tree walk initially was a good fundraiser, whereas the second walk it was left until the end at the pub to ask for donations and didn’t get as much.

Items from the floor

  • Tree felling – It was asked why there were trees felled near to the old Police Station site. It was also raised about trees felled in a culvert on the edge of the park by ‘The Paddocks’. Jerry stated it relates to the park’s management plan and that he would take a look at it.
  • There was a discussion regarding Climate change and the WDC proposed action plan fund.


030320-1 – Jerry to talk to Andrew Day regarding his thoughts on volunteering in the park via the  ‘Green Gym’.

030320-2 – Register of Community Assets – Dave to check the status of the registration for the park.

030320-3 – Andy to look to make a change on the website for people to find how to donate. This could just be via the contact details and ask people to email via the website and we can reply with bank details.

