Join Lesley Hall and Johnathan Branson on a short tour of the lower meadow at Priory Park, Warwick. Lesley has been recording details of the wild flowers on the site for a number of months, and you’ll be surprised by the diversity of plants in such a small area.
- Common sorrel Rumex acetosa
- White clover Trifolium repens
- Ox eye daisy Leucanthemum vulgare
- Meadow buttercup Ranunculus acris
- Stinging nettle Urtica dioica
- Bramble (blackberry) Rubus fruticosus
- Cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestris
- Common catsear Hypochaeris radicata
- Bird’s foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus
- Red clover Trifolium pratense
- Hop trefoil Trifolium campestre
- Teasel Dipsacus pilosus
- Elder Sambucus nigra
- Bittersweet Solanum dulcamara
- Lady’s bedstraw Galium verum
- Hedge bedstraw Galium mollugo
- Hedge bindweed Calystega sepium
- Willowherb species (possibly square stemmed willowherb) Epilobium lanceolatum
- Broad leaved dock Rumex obtusifolius
- Cleavers (goosegrass, sticky willie) Galium aparine
- Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium
- Common mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum
- Ragwort Seneco jacobea
- Yellow rattle Rhinanthus minor
- Red campion Silene dioica