The following is a write up of the minutes of the FOPP meeting which was held at ‘The Wild Boar’ public house on the 26th November 2019 at 19:00.
Attendees: Jerry (Chair), Nic, Leslie, Andy, Angela, Trevor, Sally, Jo, Dave (minutes), John.
No apologies
Membership matters
- Angela has setup a new Instagram account (Priory_Park_Warwick) and already has around 108 followers.
- Sally and Angela had been discussing having a tree decorated for Christmas along the path from St Mary’s school to Cape Road. This could be either natural decorations or traditional decoration that people could put on a Holly Tree with a small message. Angela and Sally to contact Warwick District Council and ask if OK to do so.
- Also to look into working with the Packmores Centre and look to have a children’s tree walk, possibly a nature walk around the park.
- Jo to send out to all on the email list to ask if they wish to remain interested and for us to keep in touch.
- Andy has renewed for another year (£71). It was suggested we have a year to decide what we should do about the website and whether we can find further funding to continue with it.
- Angela and Andy to enable the website and the Instragram account to recognise / link to each other.
Fund Raising and Events
- Jerry to send an email to Chris Elliott, Warwick District Council (WDC) with suggestions as to what we would like to have funds for to invest in the park. John suggested that we should perhaps pursue asking for lower end funding for new signs via the Community Forum and then ask WDC for enhancements like better access on some entrances to the park and the pathway along the bottom of the park. It was also suggested to not necessarily directly request S106 funding, but leave it to WDC to decide where funding could come from.
- Trevor gave a brief report on the funds current status – £212 in the account and around £30 in cash. There is £124 to be paid to Andy for the website costs for the last and next year.
Former Police Station
- Nic reported from the Priory Medical Centre patients group. Looks that the plans for the new medical centre will not be completed until March / April 2021. Work hopefully will begin in the next few months. Nic also showed a petition to the group regarding a need for a new crossing just outside the old police station to assist those who are needing to cross the road for the park and the new medical centre.
Park and Management
- Jon Holmes continues to be our main contact and is carrying out completion of the clearing of areas near the police station and other outlining areas.
Access issues – bollards
- Following a site meeting, new bollards have been agreed to be sited half way up the path way between Wathen Road / Cape Road and also an additional bollard by the railway ‘tunnel’. The decision has been made at WCC and the money is there, however we will need to wait a little for it to be started , John reported.
There wasn’t any other business discussed and the meeting was closed at approximately 20:30.